The Brillilant One

A couple of years ago there was a series of commercials by the Guinness company. If you have never heard the story of Guinness is really quite fascinating. It was started by a man who had a remarkable God-experience after hearing the preaching of John Wesley and the Methodists. His ministry was done in the brewing of the Irish Stout – he provided for hundreds of families and financed ministry training that has reached all over the globe.

The commercial I’m referring to had to gentlemen who were coming up with ideas and whenever they had one, good or not-so-good, they had a common response – “Brilliant!” They would say it in unison, they would say it to encourage each other, they would say it when they poured a pint. I loved those guys and as a result, brilliant, is now one of my favorite descriptors.

I’m going to say something that doesn’t often cross my mind – Revelation is a really cool book. I’m currently reading the apocalypse of John for my morning readings and I’m captivated by the imagery of the author. I don’t talk much about Revelation and read it even less. I think it’s a much misunderstood book and it’s been hijacked by sections of the church and turned into something it was never intended to be. It’s confusing to read. It’s taxing and it’s not always the most encouraging time with Scripture.

Putting the hype of the book to the side, as I read the last couple days, I found myself seeing something different than end times/doomsday prophecies. The author speaks of being taken up and seeing things that overwhelm him. What is it that knocks him to his knees? The brilliance of the Lamb (there’s that word brilliant).

John is truly scrambling in trying to describe the glory of the throne of God. Living creatures, and seals and swords and earthquakes and the list goes on and on, but the focus is on this ONE who is arrayed in breathtaking beauty. The King who sits upon the throne, the lamb who overcame being slain, the triumphant declaration that the King will reign is just mesmerizing to read and ponder on.

I wonder what would happen if I let myself slip into that kind of awe? All to often, I read my morning scriptures, I listen to worship music throughout the day, I pray with my family, and I often find myself studying though out the day the wonders of God – but do I let myself get overtaken by the sheer beauty and glory of God? I wonder how often I flippantly approach the throne – probably far more often than I dread to imagine. This God, as the author of Hebrews says, is an “all-consuming fire”. This God is that pure, that radiant, that brilliant. This God has a love that is beyond imagination and yet He is a God who invites us to see His glory in our imaginations.

I’m going to try and take some time to be still and let this God’s brilliance wash over me – I invite you to do the same. Maybe you’ll find this time in the quiet of a warm summer day? Maybe you’ll find God’s glory in the voices of children as they wrap up VBS? Maybe it’s in your local church building or overlooking the cathedrals of mountains, plains or rivers? Whatever the case, may we be caught up and reminded of the God who is all-in-all. May we be overwhelmed by His beauty and grace and love. And may we find ourselves with nothing left to say but “Brilliant!”

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