Joy and I decided to stay in Kentucky this year for vacation. We had planned to head south and spend time on the Florida beaches that we love. COVID spikes invited other plans and to say we were disheartened is an understatement. I know plenty of people who have kept[…]
“The Weight of Glory”
I preached this past weekend on Isaiah 6 – Isaiah’s call story. It’s one of those passages that begs for an over-active imagination, like mine, to be let loose. The scriptures say, Isaiah was in the throne room of the Lord and he witnessed or experienced the holiness of God.[…]
Today is unlike any other day…
It’s been a while since I’ve shared a post (something I’m hoping to remedy), and there are plenty of reasons for that – none of which are exciting stories. But as I prepare to begin a new season of life and ministry, I’m finding a pull back to writing and[…]
Hearing and Doing
“The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli. In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions. One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in usual place. The lamp of God had not[…]
Joe Maddon, the Rays and 1 Thessalonians
A pastor friend of mine were catching up back in June and he recommended a book to me about my hometown baseball team – the Tampa Bay Rays. Now, it should be stated that my Major League Baseball affiliations have been somewhat wonky. To be honest, I was a fan[…]
VBS as a grown up…
This week has been Vacation Bible School at our church. At last count there were nearly 400 children hanging out for some undersea adventures. The theme this year was “going deep with God” and there are scenes from the ocean everywhere! We even have an octopus named Ocho that hangs[…]
Reflecting on a week
It’s been a very full week! After a Sunday that was crammed from start to finish, I grabbed my bag and headed to Northern Kentucky for this year’s Kentucky United Methodist Annual Conference. I always look forward to AC! There’s just something about seeing friends from across the state and[…]
a post for the Church…
“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.[…]
Living Theology
I’m a music kinda guy. I guess it’s due to growing up in a very musical church and family. Early on I was introduced to all kinds of different styles and genres of music. Add to that singing in choirs, ensembles and playing in the band and what you have[…]
Being wet…
I read this quote this week: “help me to receive again my baptism, to live wet every day of my life, as a child of your covenant, set apart, scrubbed clean, & forgiven.” I’ve been thinking a lot about the journey of faith and this thing we call “Christianity”. According[…]